News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE
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OVAS AGM Fri 6th March 2020
(Summary only)
1. Apologies for absence were read out.
2. Minutes of the AGM of Friday 1st March 2019 were presented and accepted as an accurate record.
3. Matter Arising
Members are pleased with the new projector.
The programme secretary has taken on board last years' comments and has
introduced a diverse range of subjects for this years demonstrations.
4. President
The chairperson welcomed Phil Creek who spoke for a short while encouraging us in
our efforts. He said he is glad to be associated with such a vibrant society and is happy to continue
as President.
5. Chairperson.
Penny Lamb thanked her committee for their support and in particular those who
are retiring - Carolyn Barker, Nickie Bitschi , Terry Davies, and Maureen Stone. She then
reported on the year's activities.
Minor changes to society rules were presented and agreed unanimously.Full report filed. Penny proposed two changes to the Society's
6.Treasurer's Report
Mike Bird presented the annual accounts which showed a small surplus for the year.
7. Membership
Retiring membership secretary Terry Davis reported the usual fluctuation of membership during the year, at around the 70 mark.
8. Events [Update: Current activities from March onwards are cancelled until further notice [Corvid-19 concerns]
Retiring Events Secretary Maureen Stone has prepared a varied programme for the year with 2
workshops and 2 plein-air days. She expressed gratitude to Matthew Davison, a member and artist
who stepped in at short notice to conduct the critique of member's work in February. Nick Watton
has agreed to judge our 2020 exhibition on Thursday 6th August. Maureen confirmed the success of the Tuesday group which at present has 21 attending.
9. Election of new Committee members
Diane (Di) Edwards, Fiona Gale (as Membership Secretary), Andrew Pitts, and Sue
Williams were elected to the committee.
10. Any Other Business.
Carolyn Barker asked about the possibility of having afternoon meetings
during the winter months. The Chairperson said that this will be discussed in committee.
This concluded the business. Members were refreshed with wine or soft drinks and snacks. They
circulated, socialised and voted for their favourite picture entered for the Griffin Trophy. There
were 4 winners - Anne Brown, Jenny Uren, Mike Bird and Jacqueline Ward. They will keep the
Trophy for 3 months each.
Next years AGM will be on Friday 5th March 2021
Chairperson’s report
The Griffin Trophy
The Griffin Trophy
This year the AGM competition had no theme but a requirement to use a medium that is a departure for the member concerned. This led to entries that included not just oils, acrylic, and drawing but also ground-up charcoal, a print-out of a digital portrait, coloured polyfilla, and a safari scene painted from onion skins, ground-up stone, and a host of other intriguing dyes.
There were 13 numbered entries and, freakishly, a 4-way tie for first place from numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. (Perhaps now is the moment for OVAS to have a go at the National Lottery!). Congratulations to Ann Brown, Jenny Uren, Mike Bird and Jacqueline Ward.