News Update at 30th Dec 2020
We wish you all a happy new year and hope you will remember to renew your membership for 2021.
There has been a change to our April booking which will now be a Zoom demo of portraiture in pastels from Rob Wareing.
There is an EXTRA too! The opportunity to paint along with NZ artist Richard Robinson on 14th Jan. Fiona Gale gives all the info you need to know HERE
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Report on OVAS AGM Fri 9th March 2018
22 members attended the AGM which had been postponed by a week owing to the snow a week earlier
Apologies: Several members were unable to attend because of the last-minugte change of date. Phil Creek, our Presidant was unable to attend due to a prior engagement. He sent his good wishes. Other apologies were received from
Alison Witchell, Kerry Johnstone, Terry Davies, Chloe Brice, Ruth McGregor, Carol Harris, Ann Willoughby, Erica Willson, Jonathan Battell.
2. Minutes of the AGM 3rd March 2017 were accepted and signed. There were no matters arising.
3. Chairman’s report: Chairman. Mike Bird reported a successful year and thanked Phil Creek and the committee for their support. He urged members to be active in encouraging friends and neighbours to join the society.
4. Election of officers:
Chairman Penny Lamb nominated by Mike Bird seconded Jenny Uren
Treasurer Mike Bird nominated by Jacqueline Ward seconded by Chris Poole
Programme Maureen Stone with Alison Witchell nominated by Chris Poole
seconded Carolyn Barker
New committee member Kerry Johnstone nominated by Alison Witchell
seconded Mike Bird
Secretary Jacqueline Ward re-elected
Membership Terry Davies re-elected
Publicity Alison Witchell re-elected
Library Carolyn Barker re-elected
Website Chris Poole re-elected
Support Nickie Bitschi re-elected
All nominations were elected unopposed .
6. Programme report: New Chairman, Penny Lamb presented her report as programme secretary. She outlined in detail a full programme of demonstrations and workshops for the coming year. The first workshop in April with Rebecca de Mendonca is fully subscribed.
7. Treasurer’s report: New Treasurer Mike Bird, who has been acting treasurer since Tim Walker left in August, presented the accounts which were clearly laid out and reported a small surplus on the year's activities. He then talked about the proposal to buy a wall-hung visual display unit [TV] to enable a clearer enlarged view of any demonstration. This could be funded by money we have in our deposit account which at present is attracting minimal interest. After a few questions from the floor, members voted for negotiations to go ahead. The VDU would be enclosed in a locked cupboard but would be available for other users of the Institute. In order not to jeopardise the Society's other activities and to refresh the deposit account, he warned that because demonstrators are also charging more, subscriptions may need to be raised next year. The membership were content with this arrangement.
Mike invited members to help themselves to publicity leaflets which enclose membership application forms to distribute to interested neighbours and friends.
Carol Shaw proposed a vote of thanks to Mike Bird for his work as chairman and for handling the accounts since Tim Walker's departure. This was seconded by Carolyn Barker and applauded by members.
8. Membership Report: (Mike Bird pp.Terry Davies). Terry Davies could not be present but reported that we now have 73 paid up members several being new to the Society.
9. Publicity: Alison Witchell became publicity officer during the year and has played an active role in promoting the Society. Regular updates of our activities appear in the Ottery Gazette and other local newspapers and magazines where our support of Hospicecare has been publicised.
10. AOB: Mike Bird congratulated Ken Appleford on his 90th birthday year. To celebrate Ken is holding an exhibition of his work at Kennaway House from 16th – 23rd April [see poster HERE] to which he invites all members. Mike also drew member's attention to hand bills advertising painting holidays in Spain with Diana Golledge, our ex president, as tutor.
After the business meeting was concluded members circulated and voted for their favourite entries to the competition for the Griffin Trophy entitled “Dreams”. There were 11 entries. The voting showed Ken Appleford to be the winner closely followed by Mike Stevens and Nickie Bitschi.
All 11 entries can be seen here
A table sale of painting equipment from the estate of Beryl Carpenter created much interest, donations being given to Hospicecare.
The meeting closed at 9pm.