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The Otter Vale Art Society   Annual General Meeting


Friday 3rd March 2017, 7.30pm at the Institute, Ottery St Mary



  1. Apologies


  2. Minutes of the AGM 4th March 2016



  3. Matters Arising


  4. Welcome address by Phil Creek, President of OVAS


  5. Chairman’s report and election of committee chair, hon Secretary, hon Treasurer and other committee members

The existing committee members have indicated that they are willing to remain in office for another year, but nominations are sought for additional committee members, particularly for the role of publicity secretary


 6. Programme report (Penny)


 7. Treasurer’s report (Tim)


 8. Membership (Terry)


 9. Web-site (Chris)


 10. Any other business


 11. Art Picture Quiz [This is a new event]


 12. Competition voting, award of the Griffin Memorial trophy to the winner and refreshments. The theme for this year’s painting completion is “Otter Vale Imagery”. (Maximum size 16”x20” – please bring your entry suitably mounted but not framed or signed). The winner and two runners up may be used in publicity material for the 2017 exhibition.


 13. Close

AGM Art Competition. 

  The subject: "Otter Vale Imagery" - however interpreted.

Entries should be no larger than 16" x 20", unframed and anonymous (unsigned).

The top three winning entries will be used in publicity material for the 2017 OVAS Summer Exhibition and will also be shown on this website. We would like winning entries to still be available for viewing at the exhibition itself.


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